Plant Trees

Our project will be focussing on 3 separate areas across the Region to plant suitable eucalypt trees to support the existence and movement of koalas across landscapes.

There have been many successful tree planting projects across the Downs over recent years.

We will need to study these projects; to learn the lessons; to ensure successful plantings are undertaken and maintained to mature trees.

We have closely monitored the Darling Downs Environment Council planting project at Shorelines Drive at Withcott with the assistance of Toowoomba Wilderness Society volunteers.

This project has been delivered with the support and the Lockyer Valley Regional Council. LVRC staff have provided machinery and watering support to the project plantings over the last 2 years.

We have been in contact with the Crows Nest Community Nursery and have secured rootstock seedlings for our proposed plantings in Spring 2024. We are also using Wallum Nursery at Gumdale and Mole Station Native Nursery at Tenterfield.

Our project has been fortunate to secure the volunteer services of Shannon Michael, a consultant ecologist with extensive industry experience.

Shannon is helping us understand the range of eucalypt species that will support koalas across the varied landscapes of the Toowoomba Region. His work with our local landholders has been outstanding.

Our project is also fortunate to have the support of Tim Clewett who has extensive DPI experience and horticultural experience having undertaken planting projects on his Geham property over the last 20 years.

The project will need more supporters to undertake are this significant preparatory work to enable successful sustainable plantings to be delivered during 2024 - 2025.