Toowoomba Region Koala Count 2024

Toowoomba Region Koala Count 2021 - 2023

Planning is underway for our annual koala count in November 2024.

Toowoomba Region Koala Count

iNaturalist App Mapping of

recorded observations

November 2022

Crows Nest Koala Count Day November 2022

During November 2023 we are running our third Toowoomba Region Koala Count - funded privately by Save Mt Lofty Inc.

This community activity gathers local observers as citizen scientists across the Region to look for koalas. We choose the month of November as that is suggested to be the start of local koala mating season. Observers are encouraged to record their sighting on a mobile phone and log that image to the iNaturalist portal.

From these observations, iNaturalist produces project mapping showing the geographical spread of observations across our region during that month. In November 2022 we recorded 189 sightings from 36 successful observers. We had over 100 participants over the month but obviously not all were first to lodge individual sightings.

In 2023, we have held koala count days at Pittsworth / Yarranlea & Crows Nest. Individual local residents have recorded their observations thru iNaturalist app during the month of November 2023.


Crows Nest Koala Count Day

November 2023

Pittsworth / Brookstead Koala Count Day

November 2023